Everyone has their favorite novel, your favorite movie versions, your favorite heroine. But what about the character you hate the most? The most ridiculous proposal, the best declaration of love?
Enter the Austen Awards. There will be a poll posted in the top left hand corner of the blog where you can vote. Every few days the poll will change, so keep watching. I will do a post about the poll so you can get a good visual of who/what we’re talking about before you vote. At the end of the month we will have a formal Austen Awards Post announcing the winners. I hope you enjoy!
An Announcement: If you haven’t read all her novels or haven’t seen all the movies, but so far you have strong feelings about the person in your particular book, vote for them.
It took me a long time to figure out which of the polls should come first. Too early and I give major plot points away, but then again I can’t just give all of them the last week. So after much deliberation, I think this is a safe bet.
Which major character would you most like to be best friends with in real life?
A) Elinor Dashwood, emotionally reserved but loyal and sensible, good at keeping secrets

B) Marianne Dashwood, passionate, melodramatic, melancholy, loves reading poetry

C) Elizabeth Bennet, slightly prejudiced, loves to laugh, enjoys long walks in the mud

D) Fanny Price, quiet, highly moral, extremely patient, dislikes acting in plays

E) Catherine Morland, naïve, friendly, suspicious, loves a good book, will probably poke around your house uninvited

F) Anne Elliot, faithful, regretful, likes good company and music, training for her first 5k

G) Emma, witty, talented, friendly to the point of being nosy, can be a bit rude sometimes but she will try to find you a suitable spouse

Happy Voting!
Enter the Austen Awards. There will be a poll posted in the top left hand corner of the blog where you can vote. Every few days the poll will change, so keep watching. I will do a post about the poll so you can get a good visual of who/what we’re talking about before you vote. At the end of the month we will have a formal Austen Awards Post announcing the winners. I hope you enjoy!
An Announcement: If you haven’t read all her novels or haven’t seen all the movies, but so far you have strong feelings about the person in your particular book, vote for them.
It took me a long time to figure out which of the polls should come first. Too early and I give major plot points away, but then again I can’t just give all of them the last week. So after much deliberation, I think this is a safe bet.
Which major character would you most like to be best friends with in real life?
A) Elinor Dashwood, emotionally reserved but loyal and sensible, good at keeping secrets
B) Marianne Dashwood, passionate, melodramatic, melancholy, loves reading poetry
C) Elizabeth Bennet, slightly prejudiced, loves to laugh, enjoys long walks in the mud
D) Fanny Price, quiet, highly moral, extremely patient, dislikes acting in plays
E) Catherine Morland, naïve, friendly, suspicious, loves a good book, will probably poke around your house uninvited
F) Anne Elliot, faithful, regretful, likes good company and music, training for her first 5k
G) Emma, witty, talented, friendly to the point of being nosy, can be a bit rude sometimes but she will try to find you a suitable spouse
Happy Voting!
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